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How did we come up with this?

What are you doing? You're going to Africa in August because.....?

Without exception, shortly after introducing the idea the we are heading to Africa with the intention of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro (actually going for much more than just the climb, i.e. safari and Zanzibar) - we are asked "and why are you doing that?".

Well, honestly, a number of answers come to mind. The actual idea took shape one night as we were about three margarita's deep, and in the throes of a discussion about seeking an adventure for Steve's 50th birthday. In a moment of regret, Bernie proclaimed "why don't you climb a mountain". A short bit of research later, Steve agreed by announcing we were going to climb the largest free standing mountain in the world (almost 20,000 feet high). Never minding the fact we were out of shape and over-weight, there was no deterring.

However, once the idea took hold, we realized an opportunity existed to raise funds and awareness for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation in its battle against the terrible disease, Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF). Our good friend Bill Torres served as our role model in formulating this idea, as a year prior he completed a marathon as tribute to his Father Mario, whom had passed from the effects of PF. A shared experience none of us wished for, but last year Bernie's Dad (Bob Burress) succumbed to the disease Pulmonary Fibrosis as well. It's an awful disease that deserves attention and dedicated resources.

Please take advantage of our website to learn more about PF, the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, Bernie's Dad Robert Burress, and our journey. If you are so inclined, we would be very grateful for a contribution to PFF to assist them in their mission to beat this disease - simply click on the "DONATE" button. Thank you in advance for your support.

Bernie & Steve Olmsted

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